Well it has been almost a year since my poor overworked PA has had time to sit down and take my dictation. A lot has happened. Remember Bailey Butt--pictured here? Well, he finished his AKC Championship On December 4, 2011. He is now Champion Coedwig's Bailey on the Rocks. I am sure his sister Pumpkin is very proud. Shortly after finishing, he flew to Fredricksburg, Va to join the Warner half of the Janssen/Warner clan (See Darby's Daily).
As you can see from the pictures, he has settled in very nicely and I believe he enjoys being one of two, rather than one of many (he he).
Bonnie and Bailey Butt just getting along. |
Down the Road of Life Together |
May Bonnie and Bailey Butt go through life side by side for many, many years.
P.S Hey kid, I kind of miss you.
P.S.S. More update information to come including Miss Sandie and of course an explanation of yesterday's video.