Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to my sister Darby and brother Buddy and all their humans.
Because it was Christmas Eve, my human let all the cardigans come in for the night, so we had 11 cardigans plus 8 puppies together for Christmas Eve. Everyone got to stay in all night. Here's what the bed looked like. Everyone is there except for Mystique and Zoe (they were playing in the living room), Susie Q (she was with her puppies) and me (I am not old enough to sleep on the bed all night).

This morning we got a Christmas treat in our food bowls---ground beef! Boy was that good.

It is a cold and blustery day. We had some snow last night--the first I have ever seen. Don't know what to make of it, all the good smells are gone and it is cold on my feet. So I guess we will all tuck ourselves in for the day and stay warm and dry. Everyone have a happy New Year.


Boo21's Mom said...

Merry Christmas, Sammy! You sure had a houseful last night, didn't you?! Your human sure decorates your house pretty; how does she manage with all of you to take care of?

Funny about the good smell being gone because of the snow and cold. The first day it really rained here (we usually go from March until November without a drop of rain) Darby went crazy smelling the ground. She didn't even want to return the ball to me when I threw it she was so busy with her nose to the ground. I think the rain released yummy, stinky smells for her!

Thank your human for letting Darby come live with us. We love her and are sooo happy she's here with us.

Stay warm, Sammy boy.

MERRY CHRISTMAS and Happy New Year with lots of wins in the show ring for you!!

Darby's human, Melissa

Anonymous said...

Hi!Sammy, its me Buddy!
It looks like you had a fantastic Christmas! Wish I had all those big dogs to play with. I had a great first Christmas too! I was down for a little while. I pulled a plate of goodies from the table (in my defense Luke helped) and had a tummyache. Everyone was worried about me so I got lots of hugs. I luv hugs! I'm better now. Luke didn't even get sick. He knows what to not eat. We got in a lot of trouble. Coal was even mentioned. I didn't know what a stocking was, but I do now and I'm glad it didn't have coal in it. Rawhide chews with peanut butter are my favorites!
Wishing you a winning year in 2010! We'll be watching.

Person P.S. Thank you so much for Buddy! He makes me laugh everyday! It's really good medicine for the soul.